Saturday, April 30, 2016

MELAKA ملاك Negeri Bersejarah

Malacca (Malay: Melaka) is a place where I’ve heard since high school studing about  history but never visited. Finally,  got to visit the “legendary” food haven.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

5th Month Of Marriage

Assalamualaikum readers...

Today.. we are now 5 months as a husband & wife.
Syukur Alhamdulillah.. 5 months have been a lot of new things to be learned..
Alhamdulillah again and again..

Apapun, kami still pengantin BARU!!! ( will always..)


# Staying with parent 
# Financial instability
# Live in urban areas ( which is means.. bukan duduk dikampung sendiri - SEMPORNA)

This 3things membuatkan kami berfikir dan merancang,
        ?? Patutkah kami berbelanja untuk
             * Beli katil, almari and .. ( sbb kami duduk 2nd room )
        ?? Moving out, find rental house for us seperti pasangan yang baru berumahtangga
            ( maknanya kami kena beli perabot, kitchen stuff and ....
              of course all this thing needs - big costs  )

We don't mind if keluarkan banyak costs for our own our own place..
Dengan duduk dikawasan bandar yang semuanya memerlukan kos besar..
We need to think about it..
                        IT ALL ABOUT COST

So, We don't need to move out, We decide to stay with my parent.
As Admin Property saya akan memainkan peranan saya dengan
mencari keperlukan kami dengan budget yang murah.

Here I HIGHLIGHT, what we need :
1. Wardrobe
2. Bedding Set
3. Aircond ( cuaca di Malaysia panas sekarang )
4. Floor mat
